I finally read "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" by Leo Tolstoy - wow!

The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy is a powerful cautionary tale about the dangers of living your life according to the dictates of society. Ivan Ilyich grew up climbing the social ladder, structuring his life according to what was considered proper by the upper echelon of society. He married his wife because he thought it was time for him to get married — but she was demanding and their relationship was unpleasant. His children and his friends were self-absorbed. Outwardly Ivan Ilyich seems to have led a successful life, achieving promotions and a nice house. But on his deathbed facing a terminal illness, he comes to the overpowering realization that his obsession with propriety and decorum had left his life meaningless and unsatisfying. It’s the kind of intense book that you think about for days after you finish it. A masterful work. (The length — just 60-plus pages — is a bonus.) Check the price at Amazon here.